Join our Partnership Programs

Come let’s foster a lasting partnership based on core competencies. Our partnership programs are scripted to give ourselves financial rewards through sharing expertise and profits. By partnering we can scale new heights driven by trust and mutual respect for each other’s leadership. We promise you an exciting journey that will take us beyond the horizon and into space never before explored.

Reseller Partner

Become a Reseller Partner

Every product that we make and service that we deliver is designed to give users a unique experience. Our product development philosophy is based on ingenious out-of-the-box thinking that seeks to solve customers’ problem in its entirety.

As a reseller, you can sell our products on your own terms and at prices that are guaranteed to bring in windfall profits for you. Our reseller program is designed to give you freedom and flexibility that no one else can offer.

Referral Partner

Become a Referral Partner

Our referral program is made for those want to make a decent profit without even the need to going through a lengthy selling process. All that we expect of a referral partner is leads and nothing else. Refer a potential customer to us and we will take the trouble of converting them into repeat customers.

As a referral partner, every time we make a sale to your lead, we will give you a fair share of the sale price. This is a great program if you don’t want to go through a lengthy negotiation process or closing a deal – why bother when we can do it for you?

Offshore Partners

Become a Offshore Partner

If local conditions in your country, high operating costs or lack of technically competent resources are putting a brake on growing your business in your host country, then our Offshore Partnership program is for businesses like yours.

Under our Offshore Partnership program, you can hive off complex technology-intensive development work to us and relax. Our workforce is tuned to make complex time-consuming projects into easy deliverables at sweet prices.

Our Offshore partnership programs are tailor-made, flexible and even simple to implement.

Start your Journey today itself

Reaching us for a Partnership Deal is as easy as calling us.

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Kopatech Partnership

Kopatech is a technology-driven web-application development company with more than 7+ years of experience to its credit. Our most valuable asset is of course our core team of innovative experts who understand IT products and services best.

We operate in multiple IT segments – web application development, mobile app development, UI/UX development, online shopping cart software, online ordering system and multi vendor eCommerce marketplace.

  • Partnership Establishment


  • Partnership Growth


  • Partnership Expansion
